

E-Learning and Instructional Design Services

Digital communication technologies have brought forth innovative ways of delivering instructions and promoting learning. As a provider of diverse IT solutions and services, our company also has a capability of providing specific technology-enabled learning solutions and services or in other words, eLearning and instructional design services that take advantage of best practices, industry standards, and current trends.

What We Do

Content Creation: We also have content creators with experiences and credentials in content writing, graphic design, audio-video production, web and application development, and usability testing to ensure that instructional materials are not only informative but also engaging.

Technology Deployment: The various IT professionals within our ranks also ensure that instructional materials are compatible and usable for electronic and digital access such as for use in such as those used in desktop computers, tablet computers, and smartphones.

Our Approach

We follow a three-staged system in delivering our eLearning and instructional material services. These are: determination stage in which we define your learning and evaluation requirements, design and development stage that involves creating the instructional materials and measurement tools, and the deployment stage which centers on the delivery of the materials through the most appropriate mediums and device platforms.

Solutions and Services

eLearning Consultancy: We work closely with a particular client to define their goals and objectives, as well as their specific requirements and constraints to plan and deploy an effective and efficient technology-enabled learning solution.

Content Development: Our experienced and dedicated team includes members from different practices and specializations, thus guaranteeing that contents or instructional materials demonstrate a high level of user experience to maximize information delivery, promote ease of use, and stimulate user engagement.

Technology Integration: We plan and implement specific learning delivery routes by selecting or recommending the most appropriate platforms for our clients—whether through native apps, web-based access, and mobile apps, or regardless of the types of device or operating systems. 

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